
    Head Office & Branch Office

    The Company has its registered office at Bays No. 27-28, Sector 4, Panchkula. The Branch offices are headed by the General Managers. The Branch offices are situated at various districts of the State as under:

    Hon’ble Chairman
    Name Desgination Department Address Phone
    Sh. Anand Mohan Sharan, IAS Chairman Haryana Forest Development Corporation Bays No. 27-28, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana 0172-2575730
    Managing Director/ Additional Managing
    Name Desgination Department Address Email Phone
    Sh. K.C. Meena, IFS Managing Director Haryana Forest Development Corporation Bays No. 27-28, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana mdhfdcl[at]gmail[dot]com 0172-2564463
    Haryana Forest Development Corporation Bays No. 27-28, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana amd[dot]hfdc[at]gmail[dot]com 0172-2582307
    Sh. Satish Kumar Jain, (Retd. HCS)  Chief Vigilance Officer Haryana Forest Development Corporation Bays No. 27-28, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana cvohfdc[at]gmail[dot]com 0172-2564463
    Chief General Managers
    Name Desgination Department Address Email Phone
    Haryana Forest Development Corporation Gurugram, Haryana cgmhfdc.gurugram[at]gmail[dot]com 0124-2305348
    Chief General Manager Haryana Forest Development Corporation Karnal, Haryana cgmhfdckarnal[at]gmail[dot]com 0184-4047425
    Chief General Manager Haryana Forest Development Corporation Ambala, Haryana cgmhfdc[dot]ambala[at]gmail[dot]com 0171-2551567
    General Managers
    Name Desgination Department Address Email Mobile Number Phone
    Sh. Jitender Ahlawat, IFS General Manager (Headquarters) Haryana Forest Development Corporation Bays No. 27-28, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana  gmhfdc.panchkula[at]gmail[dot]com 09468080015 0172-2583620
    Sh. Raghubir Singh, HFS General Manager, Sirsa Haryana Forest Development Corporation Forest Complex, MITC Colony,Sirsa, Haryana hfdcsirsa[at]gmail[dot]com 09416352027 01666-243020
    Sh. Nawal Kishore, HFS General Manager, Ambala Haryana Forest Development Corporation Forest Complex, Company Bagh, Ambala City, Haryana gmhfdc[dot]ambala[at]gmail[dot]com 9466077798 0171-2551567
    Sh. Sandeep Singh, HFS (Addl. Charge) General Manager, Karnal Haryana Forest Development Corporation Forest Complex, Railway Road, Karnal, Haryana gmhfdckarnal[at]gmail[dot]com



    Sh. Deepak Alwadhi, HFS General Manager, Y/Ngr Haryana Forest Development Corporation Opposite District Court, Yamunanagar, Haryana gmhfdcynr12[at]gmail[dot]com 09466188000 01732-237824
    Sh. Manoj Kumar, HFS General Manager, Rohtak Haryana Forest Development Corporation Tilyar Complex, Mini Zoo, Rohtak, Haryana gmrohtakhfdc2021[at]gmail[dot]com 09416293618 01262-253584
    Sh. Sandeep Singh, HFS General Manager, Kurukshetra Haryana Forest Development Corporation Forest Complex, Pipli, Kurukshetra, Haryana gmhfdckurukshetra[at]gmail[dot]com 09466467787 01744-259364
    Sh. Rohtash Singh, HFS General Manager, Rewari Haryana Forest Development Corporation Masani Barrage, Near Khaliawas, Dharuhera Rewari, Haryana gmhfdcrewari[at]gmail[dot]com 09728632001
    Sh. Bhupender Singh, HFS General Manager, Hisar Haryana Forest Development Corporation Forest Complex, Mill Gate, Hisar, Haryana gmhfdchsr[at]gmail[dot]com 09467546775 01662-259278
    Sh. R.K. Jangra, HFS General Manager, Gurugram Haryana Forest Development Corporation Near New Courts, Sohna Road, Gurugram, Haryana rmhfdc_ggn[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in 0124-2305348